Monday, May 4, 2009

A Walk to Remember

Introduction- a guy is pressured into jumping off a diving board and ends up hitting his head on a pipe in the water, Landen gets caught but gets away, first day of school they compliment Jamie.

Rising Action- Landen has to be in drama and asks Jamie to help him with his lines

Climax- there are two options, either the opening night of the play where they share their first kiss and he realizes he loves her, or when Jamie tells Landen that she has cancer.

Falling Action- once he realizes that he loves her he does everything he can to make sure that she can complete everything on her "list" that she wants to accomplish before she dies.

Resolution- depending on how you see it, you can have a happy ending, or a tragedy. One way you can see the ending is that Landen and Jamie found true love in each other and he went off to medical school and fulfilled his dreams.  Another way to see it is when she dies.  That could be taken as a tragedy. 

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