Sunday, February 22, 2009

If Your Reading This, It's Too Late ..

Sequel to The Name of this Book is Secret, this book dove deeper into the secret of the magician and his brother.  I was able to finish this book in the span of two days because it was so good, and I would recommend this book and The Name of this Book is Secret to anyone who is interested in a good read.  A quote from this book that I liked was actually at the very beginning of the book where it asked us to sign a contract.  The contract said this, "I, the Reader of this Book, certify that I am reading this book for entertainment only. Or to avoid cleaning my bedroom or doing my homework. I will not try to uncover the true identities or locations of the people described in this book. Nor will I try to contact any secret society mentioned in this book. Although the story may concern an ancient and powerful secret, I hereby deny any knowledge of this so-called secret. If I am ever asked about it, I will run from the room. Unless I am on an airplane, in which case I will close my eyes and ignore the person speaking to me.And if all else fails, I'll scream. I will not repeat a word of this book under any circumstances. Unless I just can't help it." This quote goes along so well with this book because of the secret that the book contains.  One question that I have is why is the author so protective of this secret?  I think the answer to this depends on the reader itself because no one really knows the correct answer to this.  It all depends on who the reader looks at this story.  I really enjoyed these two books because of the mystery it holds and if I say anymore, I will give the book away.. 

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