Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Chicken Soup

Continuing to read this book, I skipped around and read different stories from different sections. The story that I liked was Get Over it and Move On. I liked two quotes from this story a lot, because it impacted me and left its mark on me. They are, "I just know that life keeps changing, but we have to go on anyway-with or without the people that we love." The second quote that I really liked was, "You just have to get over it and go on." Some questions that I have after reading this story is why do bad things happen to good people? and What goes through the minds of those who know they are doing something wrong? I think that you can never know what will happen in your life, but it's the way you look at the situation. Like this girl, Christina Zucal, even though she went through a lot in her life, like loosing her parents and her sister and then her foster parents getting a divorce, she looked at it with a positive attitude and believed that she just had to get over it and move on. As for my second question, I really can't say because everybody thinks differently, but why would people do things that can get themselves and the others around them in trouble? Like Christina's mom. She had decided to drive while she was drunk causing herself to get broken bones, her oldest daughter broken bones, and her younger daughter a broken back. It also caused her to loose custodity of her children. All of this because she decided to drive while she was drunk. I really liked this story because even though all of these bad things were going on in her life, Christina never gave up and just moved foward in her life, waiting for the things that will make up for all the bad in her life.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chicken Soup

At the moment I am reading short stories from the book Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul 2 and I just finished all of the stories on friends.  One quote that I liked from this section of the book is..
"A friend will not talk bad about you and will never lie.  Friends are always there for you if you need to cry.  Friends will be there for you through thick and through thin.  When the rest of the world walks out on you, a friend will walk in."  This was written by a thirteen year old girl named Nicole Johnson.  Couple of questions that I have after reading this section is what is a true friend to you? and what is a true friend to me?  I really like all of the Chicken Soup books because they are real stories written by real people that are our age, that everyone can relate to no matter how old you are.  We can turn to these books when we are going through a hard time and know that other people are going through similar hardships and you are not alone. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Media to me is a way of communication or advertisement. When I hear the word media, I think of television, or the internet, or the news, or something along those lines. But media can be found everywhere. In brand names, in music, in people. A way to spread news to people quickly and efficiently. To me that is what media is.