Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Living Well

"I find it impossible to let a friend or relative go into that country of no return. Disbelief becomes my close companion, and anger follows in its wake."
--Maya Angelou

I really like how Maya wrote this because it is so true about how it is so much harder to let your friend or relative go . When you think about your own life and how you lived it, it's not as hard to let go of it and you can accept that one day you will die . But it is so much harder for me as well to let other people go even if they were not my close friend . Even if I didn't know them . Like when you hear on the news how a child dies or a person dies it hard because you don't know if they lived their life to its fullest potential . And then after a person dies it takes time to get over the fact that they are not here with you anymore . And the way she wrote about disbelief and anger is very true for not only me but I think everyone that goes through a loss of some sort .

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Breaking Dawn

So I just read the chapter engaged . One of the parts of the book talked about Bella's new car and it reminded me of my dad . my dad has a BMW M5 and when she said that she only new that it was a Mercedes and didn't know exactly what kind it reminded me and my dad's car . I know that it is an M5 but I don't see anything special about it . To me it's just a car . I know that it is a really nice car but if you ask me anything about it I will have no idea just like Bella . 

Monday, October 13, 2008








Sunday, October 12, 2008

eclipse 3

So I am almost done with the third book ! So instead of telling you what this book is about I am going to tell you what I think of it.  The relationship between Edward and Bella reminds me more of a father and daughter instead of boyfriend and girlfriend . I say that because Edward is always so over protective of her and that reminds me more of father and daughter . I also see Alice as more of a sister because of the way she is always looking out for Bella and I know that Bella sees her as more of a sister too . I think that all the Cullen's love Bella very much . 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Eclipse 2

So I am continuing the 3rd book . I have found that this one is not as interesting as the other 2 so far but it is still too early to judge . I can;t wait to get to Breaking Dawn because I have heard that Breaking Dawn is the best one out of the whole series . I am also glad that a lot of my friends are reading these books so I have to people to talk to about the book . So far all the characters are the same but I can't say too much without ruining the story . So I am done for now .