Sunday, September 28, 2008


3rd Book !! I just can't stop reading this series , it's so good ! I love how even though these books are really long , they always seem to capture my attention . I can't wait to continue reading . I am only on the third chapter and yet it is so intriguing . I love it ! I can't wait to get to the last book because I heard its the best and I can't to find out what happens with Jacob and Victoria and Bella ! What will Edward decide to do ? I guess I just have to keep reading to find out !

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reading Journal

So I am currently reading New Moon the sequel to Twilight . I really like how Bella loves Edward no matter what he is and Edward loves Bella . They always risk their lives for each other no matter what . They would do anything for each other . I also like how Jacob is such a great friend to Bella especially during the heartache she is going through . He is always there for her even though she doesn't feel the same way he does . Bella does love him but only as a brother . I am really enjoying this series and I can't wait to finish this book so I can start reading the 3rd one ! 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Moon

So I just started to read New Moon after I finished Twilight . I just started so there really is nothing that interesting so far but I thought Twilight was an amazing book of love . Bella and Edward really do love each other and would do anything for each other . This book series really captivated me and I enjoy reading all of the books with my friends so we always have something to discuss ! 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Breaking Through

So I just read past chapter 15 and gradually this book is getting better . When I read about the part when they went fishing and didn't catch any fish , it reminded me of when my grandfather used to take me fishing and would come home empty handed , bitter with defeat . 

The part about what Francisco said about not liking others because of their race or religious belief got me thinking about what his father said . About respecting everyone and their culture . If everyone shows respect to others than discrimination would be a thing of the past and everyone would be able to get along .